Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Book - The Book of Jurisprudence Qaeda from four schools

A. PreliminaryStarting from an accident and becomes a popular thing so that gave birth to many great works and produce thousands of new methods in its development. H In the fourth century of efforts penkodifikasian rules of fiqh began after a previous study mengeliat fiqh rules only small insertions are scattered in the books of fiqh, because thanks to the sincerity of clerics schools of fiqh rules are able to complete self-discipline with the methodology ..

Abu Hasan al-Hanafi scholars are Karakhi a first pelonching accounting principles in the book of fiqh itself. Al Karakhi who named his book is a treatise al-Karakhi pensuport subsequent scholars to record the rules of fiqh.Below is a catalog of the books of fiqh rules as well as profiles of the various schools of thought and systematic writing.
B. Rule books of Fiqh Hanafis1 .. Ta'sis al-NazharAuthor of this book is Abu Zayd al Dabbusi (d. 430 H). It contains eight chapters and each chapter contains several al-ashlu, either in the form dlabith or rules, and every one al ashlu load a variety of examples and problems which have similarities to the character and the law (nadhoir). If the count, all al ashlu contained in this book amounts to approximately 80 range. In addition to mentioning the issues that fall into one of al-ashlu, he also put a different opinion with al-ashlu shown previously. Both the internal differences ulama 'Hanafi school, the difference between the school and the Hanafi school of Maliki, Hanafi and Shafi'i or between. here is one of the features of this book, could summarize the opinion of the school traffic in almost all the content of the rule.
2. Treatise al-Karakhi
This book was written by al-Karakhi, contains 17 rules amounted to 39 kaidah.dalam his book al-Karakhi is wearing only one term, yani "al-ashlu" both to designate the rule, dlabith, or guidelines for clergy bermadzhab Hanafiyyah, so it's Abu Tahir al-Dabbas and plus other rules belonging to al-Karakhi no distinction between the rules, dlabith, as well as guidelines for schools
3. Al-FuruqThe author was As'ad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al Karabisy (d. 570 H). As the name suggests, this book specifically addresses furuqyiyah differences or differences in fiqh issues. al Karabisy compiled this book in the order books of fiqh.

4. Treatise Sharh al KarakhiWritten by Najm al-Din al Nasafi (d. 537 H) and in particular to comment on and review the rules contained in the Proceedings of al Karhi. Any one who wrote al Karhi kadah briefed and accompanied by al Nasafi examples.
5 .. Al-Asybah wa al-Nazha'ir
This book was written by Zainuddin bin Ibrahim (d. 980 h), the methodology of writing the work of Ibn al-asybah Nujaym is almost like the al-al-nazhair asybah wa al-Suyuti. This famous book that consists of seven fan (part): the first about the rules of fiqh; both dlabith fiqh; three methods to know the similarities and differences of terms; fourth discusses algahaz; fifth of the al-hiyal; sixth of the issues that have similarities and karektarestik law with each other's differences; seventh Imam Hanafi load profile and all its Ashhab from time to time. The specialty of this book, he always mentions fiqh chapters are included in each rule along with examples.
6. Talqih al uqul fi furuq manqulThe book is dropped into the bin Ahmad bin Ibrahim al-Abdillah Mahbubi (d. 630 H). And specifically examines furuqqiyyah. He was stringing every any discussion in accordance with the following sequence of chapters of fiqh
7. Ghamz uyun al-basha'ir
The writer is Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Hamawi (d. 1098 h). This book is the book of al-Sharh wa al-nazhair asybah Ibn Nujaym. And is the largest of four syrah special jilid.secara this book unravel and explain the content of the book of al-wa Asybah Ibn al-Nazha'ir Nujaym.
8. Majami 'al-haqa'iq
This book was written by Abu Muhammad Sa'id al-Khadimi (d. 1176 H) is a scholar 'Turkish-born. 1504 contained in the book is written according to the rules of fiqh and unfortunately hijaiyyah.Tapi sequence of letters in written brief without being stripped of meaning.
9. Ittihaf Abshar wa al-al-bashar'ir fi al-asybah tabwib wa al-nazha'ir
Written by Abi Muhammad al-Fatih a mufti Iskandariyyah and projected for the content of the book review and mengklarafasikan asybah wa al-Ibn al-nazha'ir Nujaym.10. Al-tahqiq al-bahrir
Written by Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Hibbatullah Taji (d. 1224 h) and is one of the biggest book of the book Sharh al-wa asybah Ibn al-nazha'ir Nujaym, consisting of 6 jilid.Menurut count Abdullah al-Sya'lani amounted to 2004 pages.11. Majallah al-Ahkam al-ad-liyyah
In general, the writing of the book is tailored to the system by following the sequence number fiqh chapters, and contains about 1851 articles. The book is organized collectively by the scholars' Hanafi in the year 1286 H.12. Al-fara'id bahiyyah fi al-al-al-fawa'id qawa'id wa al-Fiqhiyyah
This book was written by Mahmud Hamza (d. 1305 H), the book summarizes the various rules ushuliyyah, Fiqhiyyah rules, and dlabit-dlabit fiqh chapters arranged in order of fiqh. This book contains 243 rules, plus a study-dlabith dlabith and little notes that the numbers are even more in number than the content of the rule.
13. Al-fara'id al-bahiyyah
Book of the work of Mahmud Hamza (d. 1305 H) This summary form so that it looks small and practical. This book was written and arranged in order of conceptual chapters of fiqh. Each discussion is always preceded by the prefix tekstualis articulation, then the argument principle, and concludes with a description of the furu 'rule.14. Sharh al-Majallah
The book is a work of Khalid Muhammad and Muhammad al-Tahir al athasi-Athasi, and consists of six large volumes. The book is from the book Sharh al-Ahkam Majallah. However, the six volumes of the book is only the first volume which intensively parse rules Fiqhiyyah problems, while remaining more issues to discuss rules and laws ushuliyyah furu'iyyah.15. Sharh al-Majallah
Written by Baz Rustam Sulayman, the book rarely found in large libraries, and halamnya reach 1288 pages thick. While the content of the rule simply follow what is in the al-Ahkam Majallah.16. Hukkam Durar al-Sharh al-Ahkam Majallah
Written by Dr. Ali Haydar (d. 1353 H), this book is one of the book Sharh al-Ahkam Majallah and contains the rules of fiqh according to the content of the book of its parent. At first it was written preformance dispersion language, but now it diterjemahkn into Arabic by Fahmi al-Husayni.17. Al-Sharh al-Fiqhiyyah qawa'id
Written by Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Zarqa (d. 1357 H). The book is a special feature content of the book of al-Ahkam Majallah and rated as one of the best among Sharh Sharh al-Ahkam Majallah lainnya.kandungan parse the rule only rules that are al-Ahkam adalam mjallah.18. Al-madkhal fiqhi al-al-'am
Written by Dr. Ahmad ibn Mustafa al-Zarqa '. The book is also a book Sharh of al-akam Majallah. This book was written in three volumes, and review the rules contained in the third volume. Description of fiqh rules on generally makes a very compact and comes with a review of the problem furu'iyyah, dlabith Fiqhiyyah, and rules ushuliyyah. The rules are covered in this book amounted to 31 pieces and arranged in order of chapters hijaiyyah. While the total number reached 130 units.
C. The books of Maliki madhhabA. Al-NazhairThis book was written by Abdul Wahhab Al Baghdady Qodli (d. 422 H), he was the first scholar who wrote the rule book of Maliki fiqh schools. The book is specifically examine the problems that have similarities Fiqhiyyah legal character. The book is very unique, because the author's name is not listed on the cover of the book is still in the form of manuscripts that have not been in print.Another uniqueness of this book are written in terms of the rule. If other authors include one dlabith or a rule to examine various issues, then Abdul Wahhab did not. He started every single rule with a specific theme, kemudiatema laws were developed in each chapter of fiqh.2. Anwar al-buruq anwa fi 'al-furuqIt's one of the most popular book among the Maliki madhhab. Written by ahmad ibn idris syihabudin al-qarafi (w.648 h), contains 548 rules with a slick design, clear, and easy to read, although not systematically arranged. It includes basic rules, rules usulhiyyah, furu'iyyah rules, and rules lughowiyyah. Examples of rules ushuliyyah study of 'illat and conditions, fatwa and legal, as well as about taklifi khitab and khitab wadl'i, or rules bay' and qardl, milk and tasarruf, and so forth.
3. Idrar ala al-syuruq anwa 'al-furuqThis is from the book Sharh al anwar anwa buruq fi 'al furuq, the work of al Karrafi. Written by Sirojuddin Abdillah bin Qasim al Ansari (d. 723 H) the book is well received by the intellectuals of his time because the book contained an explanation and correction of various things which are written in al furuq Qarrafi al.4. Qawaid Mukhtasar al-QarrafiThe book is a marginal note (hamisyi) from the book of al furuq Abdillah written by Abu Muhammad bin Ibrahim al Baqurii (d. 707 H). He was sorting out the rules that were written al Karrafi appropriate field of study respectively. For example, given a portion tersediri Fiqhiyyah rules, as well as with rules and norms lughowiyyah ushuliyyah. Thus the systematic writing of al furuq that tend to random and not well organized, through this book to be more neat and readable.5. Mukhtasar anwar al buruqThe book is also a summary of Anwar al buruq anwa fi 'al furuq's al Qarrafi. The author is Abi Abdillah Shamsuddin Muhammad al Rubu '. The book is not yet in general circulation. And manuscripts can be found in the library of Al Azhar in Cairo.6. Al-Qawaid and 'man Amalu Thabba liman HabbaTwo of the book was written by Abu Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Abdillah Ahmad Al Maqqari (wafaf 758 H). The first book contains about one thousand two hundred rules and arranged in order of chapters of fiqh. Rules contained in this book are generally not accompanied by a basis for decision arguments, and also had a long editorial. The book is indeed more intense review the furu 'madhhab Maliki, especially in matters khilafiyyah. This book also includes cross-study schools err. This comparative study that has added value to this book.Book two, divided by al maqarri in four parts. The most interesting is the second part examines the issue Fiqhiyyah of 500 problems, and the third part which contains 200 rules Fiqhiyyah. Unfortunately the 200 rule was briefly studied without example, and not systematically arranged.7. Al qawanin al FiqhiyyahWritten by Muhammad ibn Ahmad Aljizi (d. 741 H). includes the formulation of law and the Maliki schools of thought as well as notes regarding the formulation of fiqh madhhab Maliki, Shafi'i, and Hanbali. Model the writing is first mentioned madzahab Maliki, then strung together with the opinions of three other schools. A somewhat unique is the inclusion of the book contains ten chapters that review of monotheism in the beginning. And the final part of this book contains the history and stories of leaders, as well as the study of science adab. The specialty of this book lies in the stimulus items times the author mentions the use of questions and different answers.
8. Al-mudzahhab Dlabit qawa'id fi al-madhhab
Abdillah was written by Abu Muhammad bin Ahmad (d. 889 H), this is the only book authored Maliki madhhab in the 9th century Hijriyyah.sayangnya this book has not been in print and is still a script documentation.
9. Al-Manhaj al-almuntakhab
Written by Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn al-Qasim Ziqaq (d. 912 H) was written in the form nazhom and specifically examine the collection of rules of Imam Malik. The total number reaching 437 couplet.10. Ila al-masalik Idlah qawa'id imam al-malik and iddat buruq talkhis fi ma fi al-madhhab al-jumu min 'wa al-furu'
Two of the book was written by Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Yahya al-Wansyarisi (d. 914 H). Book of the first printed in one volume. The rules contained in this book were written at random and scattered in different pages, even many of them written in a tone of the question. He has not sort out the basic principles and ushuliyyah Fiqhiyyah. Rules contained in this book as a whole amounted to 118.
The second book that examines furu'iyyah Things are completely and thoroughly. And systematically arranged in order of chapters of fiqh.11. Al-potent 'ala al-al-muntakhab manhaj
Written by Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Ali al-potent (d. 995 H). The book is a syrah from the al-manhaj nazham muntakhab by Abu al-al-al-Ziqaq Zasa. To review the rules in this small nadzam, he adopted many of the content of the book of al-al-Maqqari qawa'id work, al-furu 'al-Qarrafi work, as well as the al-al-Wansyarisi masalik work. Which is the third book by him in reference to review the rules of fiqh in this book.12. Al-nur al-muqtabas Anas bin malik fi qawa'id
This book is the essence of the book idlah al-al-Wansyarisi masalik work, and written by his son Abdul Wahid (d. 955 H). Unfortunately this book has not been printed and one of the original manuscripts arriving in Madrid, Spain.13. Al-kulliyyat
This book was written by Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Miknasi or commonly called Ibn Gazhi (d. 919 H). Although not yet officially printed but the book is mostly found diperpustakaan Arab and North Africa.
14. Takmilah al-al-muntakhab manhaj
Written by Muhammad ibn Ahmad ash Abdillah Mayyarah (d. 1072 H) and a complement of nazham manhaj al-al-Ziqaq muntakhab work. In this book there are 671 bait.dengan so biliau recorded as the only scholars who do the addition and modification of the rules of fiqh nazham.
15. Furu'wa Tahdheeb al-al-al-Saniyyah fawa'id alasrara fi-Fiqhiyyah
Written by Muhammad Ali bin Husayn (d. 1367 H), the book is intended to correct the reconstructed contents plus al-furu 'al-Qarafi. He is in the writing of this book follows metedologi Syath used in Sharh Ibn al-suruq idrar who also criticized al-furu ', as well as doing embroidery on the lack of al-furu' which the critic Ibn Syath. Not surprisingly, all three texts of this book (al-furu 'al-Kaafi, idrar al-suru' by Ibn Syath, Tahdheeb al-furu 'by Muhammad Ali), then printed together in one package, because these are integral unity that is not can be separated. Therefore, in our study should, study the three to avoid mistakes and to be able to get a conclusion or conclusions of law are satisfactory.16. Al-yawaqit tsamimah al-alim fi al-madina nidzam
Written by Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Abdul Wahid al-Ansari in nazham. Pe-nadzam it's none other than his attempt to make it easier for readers to browse through the rules of fiqh Imam Malik.meskipun nazham form, this book is very thick and reaches approximately 14 708 pages.17. Qawa'id al-imam malik
The book in the form nadzam written by Abu Muhammad ibn Yusuf ibn al-Abdirrahman Musjini and specifically examine the collection of rules of fiqh of Imam Malik. While writing a lot of follow systematic way in which the al-al-idlah Wansyarisi in masalik. And consists of 83 nadzham, and the many pages of this book is now numbered 1723 halaman.hingga manuscript has not been printed, and can be found in some libraries in the Arab world.18. Al-nazha'ir al-Fiqhiyyah
The author is Muhammad ibn al-Miknasi Abdun. The book is specifically examine the problems al-al-Fiqhiyyah nazha'ir. The book is not printed and reached 14 862 pages thick.
D. The books of Shafi'i madhhabA. Al FuruqAuthor of this book is fair bin Muhammad bin Yusuf al Juwayni Abdillah (d. 438 H) who is first author of the book of Shafi'i madhhab fiqh rules. This book specifically addresses issues furuqiyyah (perbedaab-term differences in fiqh), he examines the science furuq at the beginning of his book, along with the principle difference between the various problems that have similarities, and then forwarded to the review of issues surrounding the differences ushuliyah, then enter on the subject of the matter furuqiyyah.2. Al FuruqAuthor of this book is Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad al Jurjani (d. 482 H). He also reviewed the problems furuqiyyah Shafi in the book by following the model of writing in order of chapters of Fiqh, besides the insertion of a few important notes in each study.
3. Qawa'id fi al-furu 'al-syafi'iyyahAuthor of this book is Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Jajurmi (d. 613 H). This book has received rave reviews from scholars' and students, especially in the life of the pengarang.kitab was still a manuscript and not printed.4. Takhrij al-furu 'ala al-usulThe author of this book is Abu al-Mahmud al-Manaqib Syihabuddin Zanzani (d. 656 H). Model writing the rules in this book always begins with the mention of a rule is accompanied by metedologi istinbath (usul fiqh) of the two founders of schools, the Shafi'i and Hanafi, then mentioned as furu 'Fiqhiyyah which includes coverage of the relevant rules.5. Qawaid ahkam fi al-al-anam mashalihWritten by Izzuddin bin Abd as-Salam (d. 660 h), an expert in fiqh usul, usul, Arabic grammar, and interpretation of the Shafi'i madhhab. In this book, he marangkum Fiqhiyyah all problems in just one 'patron' basis, ie i'tibar mashalih wa al-dar 'al-mafasid. The book was deliberately written by him to review the main purpose of which, according to Shari'a bliau contained only a single principle, namely the welfare of the people with joy mengcapai prinsif tahshil base and dar al-mashalil 'al-mafasid or commonly referred to jalb mashalil wa dar' al -mafasid (reaching for the benefit and resist damage).
6. Al Asybah wa al NadhairWritten by Muhammad ibn Umar Shadruddin or called Ibn Deputy (d. 716 H). This book is the first book of rules, named al-Asybah wa al-Nazha'ir and reviewing the rules of fiqh are extracted directly from a variety of issues that have the same character Fiqhiyyah and law.7. Al FAWAID Al jassam Ala ibn abd al-Salam QawaidUmar bin Al Bulqini Ruslan (Died 805 AH) is the author of this book. This book is the book Sharh of Al Qawaid Al Ahkam work Izzuddin bin abd al Salam.syarah This includes the critical peel as well as systematic in-Ahkam qawa'id al. He usually started each problem by first writing the original manuscript Izzuddin. Then forwarded to the responses about the article, the responses can be referred to the form of annotations, notes, corrections, and even criticism of the opinion Izzuddin.8. Al Majmu 'Al Mudzahhab fi Qawaid schools and Al Al Al Nadhair Ashibah wa fi Furu' al-Fiqh As Shafi'i.Two of the book was written by Kay Kaylili Salahuddin bin Kholil Ala'i (d. 761 H). He gave a lot of additional notes to Ibn Al Asyibah Vice, and organize them in a very systematic, specific to the rules contained in the book Al Majmu 'Al Mudzahhab by his chosen medium in three main media: the five basic rules, the rules usul, and fiqh rules.9.al Asybah wa-al-Nadho'irThe author is Tajuddin bin Ali bin Abdul Wahab Abdul Al Kafi Al Subuki (d. 771 H). The book is intended to modify the content of the work of Ibn Asyibah wan Nadhoir Vice. He was sort of this book into the following chapters, the first chapter the basic principles, the second chapter contains the rules of the furu 'in the various chapters of fiqh, the third chapter of the rules in this chapter only masukl fiqh, the fourth study the problems that gave rise kalamiah furu '-furu' Fiqhiyyah, five-question discussion of the issue of containing furu' ushuliyyah-furu 'Fiqhiyyah, the sixth chapter of terms around the arab or the rules of the principle of equality has nahwuyang dengn Fiqhiyyah rules, the seventh chapter of the cause- cause of differences of opinion among the jurists' arguments and their basis of each opinion and concrete examples, the eighth, the discussion of the various principles Fiqhiyyah very detailed and almost complete, as a complete study of the nature of dhimma, dhobith, about khul'a or review about Al Last ghaz.bagian is divided in the norms, faidah, dlobith, or chapter.10. Nuz-hat al-Riyadh and stayed there nawazhir fi al-nazhar-ir and mathali 'al-Tahrir al-daqa'iq fi al-fawariq jawami'waTwo of the book was written by Jamaluddin al-Hasan ibn Abdurrahim al-isnawi (w 772 h). The book's first section includes various problems nazha'ir initially, and at the end to review the issue of fiqh in the review of different aspects and persamaaanya, this method is The new approach that has never existed before.And a second book, he attempts to explain each of the two problems at once Fiqhiyyah and two aspects, aspects of the equation (jami ') and a point of difference (Fari'), by explaining the background of the problem, then temunya point, as well as the two principal differences. This book was compiled by him in order of the chapters of fiqh, plus a cautionary note about Fiqhiyyah.11. Al-mantsur fi al-qawa'idWritten by muhammad al-Zarkasyi Badruddin (d. 794. H), writing style rule in the book is in the order letter hijaiyyah. Therein contained various rules of fiqh, illat law, dlabith, until the details of the problem with belbagai altikulasi Fiqhiyyah a very wide and with a sisitematis writing.12. Al-qawaidSharif al-din al-Ghazi isa (d. 799 H) is the author of the book contains many ini.didalamnya fiqh rules with exceptions, exclusions, and additional studies on alghaz-owned al-Asnawi equipped by al-Ghazi.13. Al-Asybah wa al-Nazha'ir
Books written by Umar ibn Ali or commonly known as Ibn Mulaqqan (d. 804 H) was adjusted to a sequence of writing this book is the chapter fiqh.penulisan modifications to the work of Ibn al-Asybah deputy and al-al-Ala'i Mudzahab work.
14. Al-asybah wa al-Nazhair fi al-furu '
Jalaludin book was written by Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr al-Suyuti (w 911 H). In this book he is assembling a variety of rules, dlabith, nazhair, until the details of other problems with the classification of a very systematic and easy to digest. The concept of writing as-Suyuti version into three major groups, namely the rules that have a fairly complete medium (al-al-kubro qawa'id), the rules that contain range furu 'majority (al-al-Aghlabids qawa'id ), the rules are still disputed (al-al-mukhtalaf qawa'id FIHA). Make this book a special book with one of the best writing of his day sitematika.
15. Al-fara'id al-bahiyyah
Written by abu al-Qasim fuel binabi ahdal al-al-Yamani (d. 1035 H). Book of verse is a summary of al-nazham Asybah Nazha'ir wa al-al-Suyuti.16. Al-i'tinak fi al-farq wa al-istitsna '
Written by Badr al-Din Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr ibn Sulayman al-Bakri. 600 contains rules and arranged in order of chapters of fiqh. The book is completed in writing in the year 1062 H.
17. Al-Sharh al-khams qawa'id
The author is Swaydan Abdullah bin Ali (d. 1234 H), this book discusses the rules initially unsuccessful, yet in the end he also touched on some of the rules other than rules of fiqh unsuccessful.18. Al-mawahib al-Saniyyah
Written by Abdullah bin Sulayman al-Jarhazi (d. 1201 H). Book aims to explain the difficult words found in the al-al-Bahiyyah Fara'idl. Systematics of writing that is composed of three parts: (1) the rules that contain coverage rules that are universal, (2) which includes coverage rules furu 'quite a lot but not as much coverage of the first, (3) the rules of debate.
19. Idlah al-al-Fiqhiyyah qawa'id
The author is Muhammad Abdullah bin Sa'id (d. 1410 H). The book is a summary of the al-al-Saniyyah mawahib Abdullah bin Sulayman al work-Jarhazi, and following the method of writing sitematika asybah wa al-al-al-Suyuti nazha'ir work. In general the book is divided into three parts, the first containing a description muqadimmah challenged the historical, systematic, methodological, manfa'at, and learn the rules of fiqh function, which both contain a description of the rules of unsuccessful, the third brush Aghlabids rules, and The fourth discusses the formulation of rules that are still debated by fuqoha '. at the end of the book is to review some important issues about the laws furu'iyyah.20. Al-fawa'id al-janiyyah
Written by abu al-fayd Muhammad Yasin bin Isa al-Fadani al-Makki, a scholars' descendant of Padang. In his book al-book review beliu mawahib Saniyyah work of al-Sulayman ibn al-Abddullah Jarhazi. He menelaahnya in length and width. The book is well-known in pesanren boarding schools across Indonesia are indeed critical and comprehensive enough in reviewing the contents of the book of al-mawahib, both in terms of language, examples, description, development-development issues, to the fuqaha profiles in each section.
E. The books of Hanbali madhhabA. Al-furuqThis is the first book of the work of scholars' madhhab Hambali, was written by Abu Muhammad bin Abdillah Abdillah al-Samuri (d. 616 h), this book is only limited studies on the problems furuqiyyah. One feature is that on one author's efforts to always mengomparasikan any differences between the principles of fiqh issues viewed from the side of the juridical, both the Qur'an and the Hadith. Unfortunately the book is not yet in print and manuscript in the library of Imam ibn Sa'ud al-Islamiyya, Riyadh and stayed there, Saudi Arabia.
Qawaid 2.Al-al-al-Fiqhiyyah nuraniyyahThis book was written by Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728 h). When viewed at a glance this book seems to just discuss the issues between the side dish err 'and not at all reflect the rule book. Though not the case, in which there ilmun study fiqh, although with a limited portion. He did not write the rule-kaisdah eksplinsit tetuang fiqh in this book, sehigga the need to understand the reasoning.3.Al-qawa 'id al-shurga and alqwa'id al-kubraWritten by Najam al-Din Sulayman ibn Abd al-Qawi al-Thufi (d. 716 h). This book specifically examines the rules of schools of Hanbali fiqh without linking it with other schools.4.Al-Qawa 'id al-Fiqhiyyah
Written by Ibn al-Jabal Qadli Ahmad ibn al-Hasan (d. 771 h), the rules contained in this book generally bebentuk kalam Matsal (proverb) is very compact, and thus require in-depth reasoning and digestion to understand the content contained .5.Al-idlah fi al-fiqh al-islami
Books containing about 160 rules were written by Abu al-Rahman bin Rajab farj (d. 795 h) and arranged in order of chapters of fiqh. The rules are written in it is prepared certain themes, and on average have a long editorial. In it there is also an important record of Hambali schools of thought can add to the wealth of knowledge for the readers. In addition to that he was not in the book and sort out the basic principles dlabith.
6.Mughni Dzawi afham al-al-al-polar katsirah fi al-Ahkam
This book was written by Joseph Jamaluddin bin Abd al-Hadi (d. 909 H). The book is much more to intensify the discussion on furu'iyyah. But in the end many studies mention the rules of fiqh written at random and without a clear sequence. The numbers in the 70-s rule.7.Risalah fi al-qawa'id
This book is written in Sharh of nazham author (d. 1379 H), itself, that bin Abd al-Nasir al-Saadi which amounted to only 47 verses, so the rules are written in it is not too much.
F. Rule Book of Cross-schoolsA. Al-wajiz idlah qawa'id fi al-Fiqhiyyah al-kulliyyah
Written by Dr. Shidqi Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Burnu.Kitab is a concoction contains rules that are generated through a comparative study between the schools rule, which is aimed to parse the contradictions in order to build a synthesis of opinion among the schools without having to take sides on any schools of thought among the four schools of writing Dr tersebut.dalam . Muhammad Shidqi not follow one style of writing of the books previously written rules.
G. CoverIt may be important we take the common thread of the discussion above about the persistent struggle of the clergy to preserve the fan-fan of science and lofty ideals to always work. Can we as a generation forward, caring, learning and perfecting the great treasures of knowledge that were once in the past to achieve the keemasanya hinga back. That's the burden that we as a generation stuck dipundak the berkaidah.

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